Making money via Pinterest is very doable if you know how to do it right. Pinterest makes it easy for businesses to use the social network to make money. There are many ways to make money with Pinterest that anyone can take advantage of with just a little work.
1. Create Product Pinboards – If you sell products, make a pinboard of them. You can make one board for each category of product. Ensure that the pictures show up sharp and look as good as they would in person. You actually can do this if you sell services too. Just find an image that represents the service using words with the images to get the attention of the viewer, and link to your shopping cart – for example using aMember.
Link to aMember:
2. Create Memes with Motivational Quotes – Make an entire board with motivational quotes, but make them link back to your blog when the visitors click them. This is a great way to get extra traffic to your blog, where you can use the quote to promote something that you sell that relates to the quote. You can use software like Canva to help you create memes.
Link to Canva:
3. Have a Contest to Get More Email Subscribers – Contests on Pinterest are a wonderful way to get more email subscribers. There are many ways to run a Pinterest contest, including third party software that you can use to help you run it correctly.
Link to third party software –
4. Create a Portfolio Board – This works great for service providers and artists who need a way to showcase their work. For example if you design websites, you can put screen shots of each site with software like Snagit in the portfolio and link back to your website. You can do this with books, photography and more.
Link to Snagit –
5. Create a Testimonial Pinboard – As you collect testimonials, use Canva to make them into images with quotes. For example, you could put the person’s picture on the left, with a small part of their testimonial to the right in quote form. Link to your website and the services or products the customer purchased.
6. Pin Affiliate Products Properly – You have to be careful about pinning affiliate products because Pinterest strips out your affiliate code. But there is a way around this. The way to do this is to use pretty links such as a Bitly, or you can also use a redirect (see links below). Note: You can do the redirects with every host.
Link to Bitly –
Link to redirects:
7. Pin YouTube Videos That Promote Your Products – A great way to promote your products or affiliate products is to do a demo video or a review video of the product and include an affiliate link or your sales page link in the description of the video.
8. Pin Images from Your Promotional Posts – When you write a blog post that is promotional in nature, ensure that you include an awesome image of the right size and shape so that you can then promote that pin on Pinterest.
Put two or three of these money-making ideas to practice as soon as possible, and you’ll see for yourself that you can make money with Pinterest. It’s easy, it’s lucrative and it will happen if you do it.
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