Beauty you

Even Better than Botox – Honey And Carrots Facial Mask

Fight the Aging Process With A Honey And Carrots Facial Mask


Are you fast tracking your skin’s aging process? What you may be doing (or not doing) may be harming your skin and speeding up your skin’s aging process. Making unhealthy choices can cause prematurely aging skin, and this makes you look older, faster. First, a couple of questions:

Do you smoke? Whether you smoke, or you spend time with someone who does, cigarette smoke is damaging to your skin. Research shows that cigarette smoke exposure considerably increases skin wrinkles and dryness. In case you didn’t know, cigarette smoke depletes your body of Vitamin C, which is a key ingredient for keeping skin plump and moist!

Do you sunbathe…a little too much? You might want to hold off on prolonged sunbathing, and get yourself slathered in sunscreen when you do. Unprotected skin exposed to the sun becomes more blotchy in appearance. Freckles can turn into brown sun spots while the skin takes on a dry, leathery appearance. Wrinkles and sagging are also amplified, and the risk of skin cancer is significantly increased by sun exposure!

Do you need to get more zzz’s? We all know the importance of a good night’s sleep. Too little makes you look and feel tired, and you develop dark circles and bags under the eyes, not to mention sagging skin. These things will definitely make you appear older! Worse, lack of sleep also leads to memory loss and symptoms of depression, so do not deprive your body of sleep.

While some signs of aging skin are inevitable, there’s a lot you can do to look your best and maintain a beautiful face. Taking good care of yourself is the first and most important step in your anti-aging skin care regimen. Plus, a little help from a great homemade remedy. Today’s recipe — honey and carrots facial mask is another inexpensive, easy to make way to care for your skin! Read the whole Article below.

Then Benefits Of Honey And Carrots

Honey offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties, fighting aging and skin damage. It helps keep skin hydrated and fresh, and prevents it from drying too. Indeed, honey’s powerful healing attributes have made it a popular ingredient in many beauty products.

Carrots, on the other hand, are rich in nutrients like calcium and potassium. Yes, they’re a good nibble because they contain vitamin A and vitamin C which gives energy to our system and are essential for tissue growth, but can help control acne and provide a healthy glow to your skin! ماسك للوجه It should be a part of everyone’s clear skin diet.

Why are they great for slowing down the aging process? Well, both have antioxidants which slow down aging by scavenging on free radicals (hyperlink). These free radicals cause many health problems like eczema, dermatitis, wrinkles and even rashes! So protect the skin on your face with regular use of this amazing face mask. Enjoy!



4 1/2 tbsp. honey
2-3 medium-sized cooked carrots, mashed


1. Stir the mashed carrots with the honey until you get a nice consistency.
2. Apply to fresh, clean face, but do not massage.
3. Leave on for 10 minutes.
4. Rinse with warm water then pat dry.


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